Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday, February 3rd, 2012 - It's Friday, Friday

10:00AM: Alright, since writing one post at the end of the day went so poorly yesterday, I think I'm gonna keep trying timeline format. I'm going to try to set my bare minimum goal to get a post out every day of February, and then just keep going as long as I can after that.  That sounds like a good plan, right?  Good.  I'm writing this in my physics lecture, extremely bored, as usual. I want to skip the rest of my classes, but I feel so bad when I do, plus I get super paranoid that my parents are gonna find out. Well, my mom at least. Dad probably wouldn't care, mom would flip a shit. And that is basically the only reason I go to class.

12:00PM:  Well, I didn't so much go to my calculus lecture because I'm  understanding everything in it right now, but I did go to my economics lecture which I am currently sitting it.  This class sucks, I hate economics.  I prefer working on things that are real or something that you can prove, like math and physics, subjects where there is a clear cut right and wrong, unlike economics which is almost all theory and "what-if" scenarios.  Not my kind of thing.

1:00PM:  I just spent the last 20m listening to Korean commentary of random games for no real reason.  I do very few things that make coherent sense.

5:00PM:  Just finished recording a little over an hour of BioShock, I'm gonna put a couple of those videos up now, as well as post this blog now, since all I plan on doing for the rest of the night is watching TV or doing a little more recording's, which doesn't make for very much to talk about on a blog.  

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