Alright, so today is day 1 of the "new" format, although, now it's just the official format, as I was using that (this?) format for a few days now. Anyway, into stuff, today I did my last driving test I needed to do ever in my life and got my full license. I was really nervous as I haven't driven "properly" (legally) since my G2 test, but was able to pretend to know the laws long enough to get my license, so that was good! Also, at my school, freshman do pranks to get into the upper year "Frosh Controller" program, which means they lead frosh week activities and have a shit load of fun, so today a bunch of people brought a couch to my calculus class and just chilled out in bath robes. It was comical.
Into video news: there are none. That's about it. I did do some recording; however, nothing is processed yet and will probably take 1-2 hours in order to process, and I don't like starting uploads after 9pm (EST) as then I can't set my monetization settings until the morning. There should be new videos tomorrow, though. With that though, I said everything I wanted to, so, until tomorrow, stay classy, internet. (I'm just gonna steal catch phrases cause I'm too unoriginal to make up my own).
~Drew (devilwarier9)
Hey, congrats man.